Managing Investment Cash Flow with Property Portfolios

Managing Investment Cash Flow with Property Portfolios

Managing Investment Cash Flow with Property Portfolios

It’s critical when managing a portfolio to cashflow properties so your borrowing capacity isn’t hindered. 

When we buy negatively geared properties you can limit the amount that you can buy very quickly. This could hold you back when it comes to building the portfolio size that you want. 

When we acquire high-income properties, not only does it remove some of the risk of having to fire sale, as the asset looks after itself. But most importantly, it allows us to expand into more assets easier and faster. When we have more assets, we leverage harder. The compounding effect is enhanced further and we can make more moves. 

Unfortunately, I see people investing in property without understanding the numbers all of the time. They buy old property on land that comes with minimal depreciation, increased maintenance issues, and lower rent. This ends up putting extra pressure on their financial position as opposed to making life easier (which is the goal). They go to their accountant at the end of the year and lodge a tax return – and only then do they find out what it costs to hold that property (usually more than they think).

This is back to front, you need to know the numbers from the start – then work backward from there. When we acquire properties that achieve positive cash flow, not only does that provide the ability to increase income and reduce other debts (bad debts) faster, but it makes life easier – not harder. 

So where do we acquire high-income properties? Where do these properties exist? Especially in a high-interest rate environment 🧐 (even more reason to buy them). That is where the skill and experience come in.

The Buyfair Multi Liv Range was designed to do exactly that, design and provide high-income properties in areas with strong growth potential. Why does it need to be one or the other? It doesn’t is what we say. 

With our worst rental crisis in history happening right now. With hundreds of people attending single viewings to lease a basic home. We need to supply more people with homes. Why does that need to be a whole house to one tenant? It doesn’t. With our specially designed homes you can achieve well above the normal rent on a traditional investment. While helping more people afford a place that they can call home.

To learn more about this new approach, we welcome you to make time with our friendly team of experts below.

You can also visit our Multi Liv page to learn more.

Happy Investing,


Matt Ellul
Director – Buyfair Property Group

Book discovery session

Land Contracts Explained

Land Contracts Explained

Land Contracts Explained

BuyFair Property Group’s second educational article ‘Land Contracts Explained’ is now available on This edition focuses on residential land contracts and is available in English, Simplified Chinese, and Hindi. A big thank you to our collaborators Colin Biggers & Paisley and for making this article possible.

You can read the article here;

BuyFair Property Group prides itself on transparency and education, which is why our translated articles are by NAATI Certified practitioners.

To find out more, please click here

Happy Investing,


Matt Ellul
Director – Buyfair Property Group

Book discovery session

NDIS and Co-Living Investments: Unlocking High Yields in a High-Interest Rate Environment

NDIS and Co-Living Investments: Unlocking High Yields in a High-Interest Rate Environment

NDIS and Co-Living Investments: Unlocking High Yields in a High-Interest Rate Environment

In an era of fluctuating interest rates, investors are constantly seeking opportunities to make wise decisions that yield substantial returns. While traditional investment avenues may offer modest returns, it’s essential to explore innovative options that can outperform the market. Just as Uber Eats revolutionized the food industry, Buyfair Property Group is revolutionizing property investment with specially designed homes that offer the potential for yields of 10% or more. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of high yields in a high-interest rate environment and how NDIS and Co-Living investments provide new and lucrative avenues for smart investors.

Understanding the Importance of High Yields:

In a high-interest rate environment, investors face the challenge of generating returns that outpace inflation and bank interest rates. Traditional investment vehicles like savings accounts and bonds often fall short of delivering substantial gains. This is where high-yield investments become crucial. A yield of 10% or more can significantly amplify your investment returns, helping you build wealth and achieve your financial goals faster.

NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) and Co-Living Investments:

Investors looking for opportunities with high yields should consider the emerging markets of NDIS and Co-Living investments. Let’s explore how these innovative investment options offer attractive returns while addressing the evolving needs of society.

  1. NDIS Investments:

The NDIS is a government initiative that provides support and funding for individuals with disabilities. Investing in NDIS properties allows you to contribute to a socially impactful cause while enjoying robust financial returns. Specially designed homes cater to the unique requirements of NDIS participants, ensuring their comfort and well-being. By partnering with Buyfair Property Group, you can tap into the growing demand for NDIS housing and secure rental income with yields that often exceed 10%. This socially responsible investment not only offers attractive returns but also helps provide stable, long-term accommodation for individuals in need.

  1. Co-Living Investments:

Co-Living is a modern housing concept that emphasizes community living, shared spaces, and affordability. With rising property prices and an increasing preference for flexible and cost-effective housing options, co-living has gained immense popularity. Buyfair Property Group’s specially designed co-living homes offer investors the opportunity to capitalize on this trend. By creating purpose-built properties with carefully planned shared spaces and amenities, these investments provide high rental yields while catering to the changing needs of young professionals, students, and other demographics seeking affordable and social living arrangements.

The Buyfair Property Group Advantage:

Buyfair Property Group is at the forefront of revolutionizing property investment. Their focus on specially designed homes sets them apart from traditional real estate offerings. These properties are carefully crafted to maximize rental income, occupancy rates, and overall investment performance. With a meticulous understanding of market trends and an innovative approach, Buyfair Property Group is transforming the way investors generate wealth through property investments.

Making Wise Investment Decisions:

Investors need to adapt to changing market dynamics and embrace new investment opportunities that offer high yields. NDIS and Co-Living investments present a chance to capitalize on social trends while enjoying impressive financial returns. By partnering with Buyfair Property Group, investors gain access to a groundbreaking model that optimizes property investment for maximum profitability.


In a high-interest rate environment, it’s crucial to seek investment avenues that offer high yields. NDIS and Co-Living investments provide investors with the opportunity to achieve yields of 10% or more, outperforming traditional investment options. With Buyfair Property Group’s innovative approach to property investment, investors can participate in the revolution that is transforming the real estate landscape. Embrace the future of property investment and unlock the potential for substantial returns while making a positive impact on society.

To make a time to speak with one of our industry experts, click the link below and follow the prompts.

Use your superannuation to invest in property

Use your superannuation to invest in property

Use your superannuation to invest in property

Over 600,000 Australians choose to manage their own super funds to buy property these days. Yet, using super to invest in property is still something very few people know little about. It’s almost like super is forgotten about in our younger generation as it’s something they will get around to understanding when they are ready to grow up and see retirement on the horizon. But how close to the horizon can one be before the whole chance of influencing your retirement outcome has deteriorated?

Unfortunately, this is something I see in clients aged 45-60 way too often! They’ve simply left caring about their super for way too long and have lost most of their ability to influence how it’s going to look at maturity. This also comes into play for people simply still wanting to get ahead in life and even wanting to still secure their first home. Often, we have to look at the super option as buying their own home still isn’t realistic due to a lack of planning and preparation.

There are some seriously attractive advantages to using super to acquire property. I have listed some of these benefits below.

1. Control
When you set up a SMSF, you give yourself the ability to take back control of where your earned money is directed. Most people have their money in an industry fund which is managed by a broker or account manager. All decisions as to where your money goes is made by your provider, meaning you have less control over what can be done. Now, a lot of people actually like this, and you can still decide to have someone manage your money for you in a SMSF account. It just means that you are able to influence where they invest it should you want to take a different path. They say that with fees in an industry fund, there are the ones you do see and the ones that you don’t. We also don’t know exactly how much of the profit is being kept by the industry fund and how much is shared. If you own a property portfolio in Super, then you know exactly where that is always positioned. And the profit is yours! Now that’s what I like to call control.

Most people set up an SMSF so that they can invest into a property or shares. Property being the predominant reason over shares. But you can invest in anything that has the ability to make you money. As long as its sole purpose is an investment, then you can do that. For example, if you want to buy collectable art then you can, you just cant hang it up in your home. It needs to be for investment purposes and nothing else.

2. Tax advantages
There are some seriously good tax advantages when investing in Super. Now I am not a financial planner, so am not licensed to discuss tax in detail. But the best things to this when investing in property are the discounts in capital gains tax (CGT) that you get. Depending on when you sell an asset (during working years or in retirement) you may pay $0 CGT at all. If still working then you will be looking at 10%, but it all comes down to each persons position. Please seek proper advice around this before you make any formal decisions.

The other major tax advantage that you may be able to benefit from is the tax rate on income (rent) once you are retired. It can be nothing if done properly. And who doesn’t love not paying taxes? It’s a bloody big advantage when trying to set yourself up and live your best life.

3. Leverage
The next major advantage of investing in to property is that you gain access to compounding growth on a larger asset value. For example, if you currently have $200,000 in super and it’s all being invested in to shares, then 10% of this value will be $20,000 profit (less fees). If you own a property and bought it for $500,000 for example, and it grows at only 8%, then your profit will be double of the shares profit at $40,000. What you also need to keep in mind with property is that it has multiple income streams also. Meaning its not just the value of the home going up that makes you money. You have the rental income, tax advantages and depreciation (depending on the age of the property) also. Below is an example of how leverage can work outside of super. It’s one of the main reason that the rich get richer, as they’re able to leverage their existing assets to continue building more.

4. Brick wall between personal and super
When we invest using our Super. We also need to understand that it makes no impact on our personal position whatsoever. If you are looking to borrow money in your personal name, then at no time will a bank ever look in to your super borrowings to decide what you can lend. Essentially, there Is a brick wall between the two meaning they are totally divorced of eachother. The best way that I like to describe this to people is that your SMSF is like a business, and lending is almost looked at like a business loan. And your personal position is just that.

I’ve seen a number of times in the past 15 years where clients of mine have lost a lot of money that they have in their super. And very quickly! This is because the share market is more volatile than property. Why? Because people will always need a roof over their head. And we don’t have enough homes built to house every person. Meaning that we have a shortage, and a shortage means growth as people compete to buy them. Should you be getting closer to retirement then you want to be lowering your risk appetite (ideally). Owning property is considered as the lowest risk investment that you can make long term. So having bricks and mortar can be a really good insurance play when protecting yourself against economic downturns.

As we know, buying property for investment purposes means that we don’t need to be restricted to where our lives are taking place. We have the flexibility to decide on where our assets will exist, and can enter in to any market place that we wish. I personally see SMSF as a great way to further build your wealth safely. But as mentioned above, it’s always important to understand why it is you’re investing in to an area and what that can do to us.

Build to Rent

Build to Rent

Build to Rent

We’ve all heard this term used recently, but what is it all about? Could these developers know something that others don’t?

Prominent property developers are choosing to build and keep their developments instead of selling the apartments or new homes off the plan. They are taking advantage of the worsening shortage of rental properties (Melbourne vacancy rates at circa 1%) and betting on solid capital growth (prices increasing) in future years to optimize their profits and returns. These developers are property professionals who have years of experience in the industry and deep pockets to conduct feasibility studies – and this is what so many of them are now doing.

This is a great strategy and can be carried out on a smaller scale by mum and dad investors. If its good for the professional developers, it could be a good thing for you also. Knowing there is such a huge shortage of rental homes, and this is expected to worsen with the huge increase in migrants arriving on our shores. Plus, for so many – home buying has become unaffordable and these people will have no choice but to rent. Overall, we are expecting boom times for investors. The key is to get moving before the masses move into this space. As the rental crises worsens those in a position to keep buying investment properties will prosper. Keep in mind, it is important to buy new because of the tax advantages that come along with purchasing new homes.

To listen to Bob and Matt Ellul (Director – Buyfair Property Group) speak further on the key fundamentals driving the property market, watch their talk at the Home and Land Expo at the Melbourne Convention Centre recently.

In these crazy times with interest rates rising and a growing number of builders going under, there are opportunities for those that are prepared to get out of their comfort zones and make solid decisions for their future.

To learn more about what opportunities may be available to you, reach out to us for a friendly discussion.

Buying your first investment property

Buying your first investment property

Buying your first investment property

Buying your first investment property can be an exciting and rewarding experience, as it can provide a steady stream of passive income and the potential for long-term appreciation.

However, it is important to approach the process carefully and do your due diligence to make informed decisions and maximize your chances of success. Here are a few tips to consider when buying your first investment property:

  1. Set clear goals: The first step in buying your first investment property is to set clear goals. What are you hoping to achieve through your investment? Are you looking for long-term appreciation, steady passive income, or a combination of both? Setting clear goals will help you to focus your search and make informed decisions
  2. Determine your budget: It is important to determine your budget before you start looking at investment properties. This will help you to narrow down your options and ensure that you are looking at properties that are within your price range. Be sure to consider not just the purchase price of the property, but also the ongoing costs of owning an investment property, such as mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance costs.
  3. Research the market: It is a good idea to research the real estate market in the area where you are considering buying an investment property. This will give you a better understanding of current market conditions and help you to make informed decisions about what to look for in a property.
  4. Look for properties that meet your criteria: Once you have set clear goals and determined your budget, it is time to start looking for properties that meet your criteria. Look for properties that are in good condition, have the potential for appreciation, and have the potential to generate passive income. We prefer building new homes in high-population growth areas, as this often delivers an increase in value as the area becomes developed.
  5. Work with a building broker or real estate/investment agent: Either of these professionals can be a valuable resource when buying your first investment property. They can help you to find properties that meet your criteria, negotiate the purchase price, and guide you through the process of acquiring the property and how to manage it long-term.
  6. Consider the long-term: When buying your first investment property, it is important to consider the long-term. Think about your future goals and how the property will fit into your overall investment strategy.

Overall, buying your first investment property requires careful planning and research. By setting clear goals, determining your budget, researching the market, looking for properties that meet your criteria, working with a building broker or investment agent, and considering the long-term, you can increase your chances of success and maximise your return on investment.

At BuyFair Property Group, we help everyday investors get ahead with quality, bespoke, and off-market investment opportunities that meet all of the above criteria.

To learn more about how we do this, please feel free to reach out to us here.

Matt Ellul
Director at BuyFair Property Group